This local lemon sour base, inspired by the majestic and beautiful white scenery of Hokkaido, will color the memories of tourists. Sea salt from the Soya Strait near Wakkanai City brings out the freshness of the lemon juice. Its light sweetness matches the appeal of the ingredients it is paired with, making it the perfect drink to have with a meal. The label, which highlights the contrast between the sky and the earth, makes it the perfect souvenir from your trip. It is available for purchase all year round, not just in winter.
Kokubu Hokkaido
Spirits and liqueurs
Hokkaido White Lemon Sour Base
This local lemon sour base, inspired by the majestic and beautiful white scenery of Hokkaido, will color the memories of tourists.
Sea salt from the Soya Strait near Wakkanai City brings out the freshness of the lemon juice.
Its light sweetness matches the appeal of the ingredients it is paired with, making it the perfect drink to have with a meal.
The label, which highlights the contrast between the sky and the earth, makes it the perfect souvenir from your trip.
It is available for purchase all year round, not just in winter.
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