With the intuitive BMW tire mobility set mobility can be easily restored after tire spans. Regardless of the tire dimension damage to the tread can be fixed to approx. 4 mm and the onward journey to the next BMW service partner can be made possible. Set consisting of powerful compressor tire seal gloves and different valve adapters which can be used for bicycles for example. For attachment to existing lashes in the luggage compartment.
直感的なBMWのタイヤモビリティを設定すると、移動度が簡単にタイヤのスパン後に復元することができます。かかわらず、タイヤ寸法の、トレッドの損傷が約に固定することができます。 4ミリメートルと次のBMWサービスパートナーへの乗り継ぎが可能となります。例えば、自転車に使用することができる強力なコンプレッサー、タイヤシール、手袋と異なるバルブアダプタ、からなるセット。トランクルーム内の既存のまつ毛への取り付けのため。
商品コード : 71102333674 / 71 10 2 333 674
With the intuitive BMW tire mobility set mobility can be easily restored after tire spans. Regardless of the tire dimension damage to the tread can be fixed to approx. 4 mm and the onward journey to the next BMW service partner can be made possible. Set consisting of powerful compressor tire seal gloves and different valve adapters which can be used for bicycles for example. For attachment to existing lashes in the luggage compartment.