【Special Features】 ・New, restored high-definition digital transfer, supervised by cinematographer Willy Kurant ・Archival 1966 interview with actress Chatal Goya ・New video interviews with Goya, Kurant and Jean-Luc Godard collaborator Jean-Pierre Gorin, conducted in 2005 ・Video discussion of the film between French film scholars Freddy Buache and Dominique Paini ・Swedish television footage of Godard directing the "Film Within the Film" scene ・Trailers for the original theatrical release and the 2005 rerelease ・New and improved English subtitle translation ・Plus a 16 page booklet featuring a new essay by film critic Adrian Martin and a reprint of a report from the set by French journalist Philippe Labro
[ US / Criterion / DVD ] 新品!
60年代後半フランスの若者たちの“15の明白な事実。若者の恋愛、セックス、政治を奔放に語る、ゴダールによる青春白書『男性・女性』の北米版DVD!!リリースは高音質、高画質で定評のあるUSクライテリオンから!! 豪華特典映像に加え16ページのブックレット付き!!
出演: ジャン=ピエール・レオー, シャンタル・ゴヤ, マルレーヌ・ジョベール, カトリーヌ=イザベル・デュポール, フランソワーズ・アルディ
監督: ジャン=リュック・ゴダール
【Special Features】
・New, restored high-definition digital transfer, supervised by cinematographer Willy Kurant
・Archival 1966 interview with actress Chatal Goya
・New video interviews with Goya, Kurant and Jean-Luc Godard collaborator Jean-Pierre Gorin, conducted in 2005
・Video discussion of the film between French film scholars Freddy Buache and Dominique Paini
・Swedish television footage of Godard directing the "Film Within the Film" scene
・Trailers for the original theatrical release and the 2005 rerelease
・New and improved English subtitle translation
・Plus a 16 page booklet featuring a new essay by film critic Adrian Martin and a reprint of a report from the set by French journalist Philippe Labro