BODY STYLE ボディースタイル Sportsline headlight cover MT-07 YAMAHA ヤマハ
■商品概要 material:ABS plastics colour:grey/red colour code:Cyan Storm Tricolor assembly:ready to mount (all parts supplied)
■詳細説明 The aerodynamically shaped BODYSTYLE headlight cover offersdynamics in performance and look: This small cover highlights thefront of naked bikes with racy lines. Made of ABS plastic inEurope. With ABE.
material:ABS plastics
colour code:Cyan Storm Tricolor
assembly:ready to mount (all parts supplied)
The aerodynamically shaped BODYSTYLE headlight cover offersdynamics in performance and look: This small cover highlights thefront of naked bikes with racy lines. Made of ABS plastic inEurope. With ABE.
MT-07 年式: 22-23
備考: RM33/RM34