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●商品説明 For every book purchased on shop from now through December 31, 2022, Disney will donate a book to First Book , a non-profit organization dedicated to providing new books and educational resources to educators who serve children in need. In this first graphic novel adaptation of the New York Times best-selling Villains series, Arielle Jovellanos brings Serena Valentino's darkly captivating world to life with beautiful and haunting illustrations in a stunning new visual format. Magic in the details ''Sure, you know the story of those wretched Dalmatians. But don't I deserve a chance to tell my own side of the story? It is fabulous, after all.'' You may think you know the tale: a happy young couple, one hundred and one Dalmatians, and the woman determined to turn them into a perfectly spotted fur coat. But who is that monster, that scene-stealer, that evil thing? Who is the woman behind it all? Before the car crash, before the dognapping, before furs became her only true love, there was another story. This is the story of Cruella De Vil?in her own words. Even the cruelest villains have best friends, true loves, and daring dreams. After all, nothing is as simple as black and white. Written by Serena Valentino Illustrated by Arielle Jovellanos Paperback 128 pages Ages 12+ ●仕様 Published by Disney-Hyperion Paper 23cm(高さ) x 15cm(幅) Printed in U.S.A.
For every book purchased on shop from now through December 31, 2022, Disney will donate a book to First Book
, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing new books and educational resources to educators who serve children in need.
In this first graphic novel adaptation of the New York Times best-selling Villains series, Arielle Jovellanos brings Serena Valentino's darkly captivating world to life with beautiful and haunting illustrations in a stunning new visual format.
Magic in the details
''Sure, you know the story of those wretched Dalmatians. But don't I deserve a chance to tell my own side of the story? It is fabulous, after all.''
You may think you know the tale: a happy young couple, one hundred and one Dalmatians, and the woman determined to turn them into a perfectly spotted fur coat.
But who is that monster, that scene-stealer, that evil thing? Who is the woman behind it all? Before the car crash, before the dognapping, before furs became her only true love, there was another story.
This is the story of Cruella De Vil?in her own words. Even the cruelest villains have best friends, true loves, and daring dreams. After all, nothing is as simple as black and white.
Written by Serena Valentino
Illustrated by Arielle Jovellanos
128 pages
Ages 12+
Published by Disney-Hyperion
23cm(高さ) x 15cm(幅)
Printed in U.S.A.
2022年12月31日までの期間、ショップで本を1冊購入するごとに、ディズニーは「First Book」に本を1冊寄付します。
これは、彼女自身の言葉によるCruella De Vilの物語です。どんなに残酷な悪党でも、親友がいたり、真実の愛があったり、大胆な夢を持っていたりします。白と黒のように単純なものはないのです。
文:Serena Valentino
イラストレーション:Arielle Jovellanos