Performance with width effect: The M Performance side threshold attachment in high-gloss black reinforces the sporty character of the vehicle. He is perfectly tailored to the design of the vehicle. For a particularly individual powerful and dynamic appearance. Set for left and right. For vehicles with M aerodynamics package (SA715 / 337). Not in conjunction with M Performance side swell folding frozen black.
幅効果の性能:高光沢ブラックレインフォース車両のスポーティーな文字でM性能側閾値アタッチメント。彼は完全に車両のデザインに合わせて調整されます。特に、個々のパワフルでダイナミックな外観のために。左と右に設定されました。 Mエアロダイナミクスパッケージ(SA715 / 337)装備車用。 Mパフォーマンス側と一緒に凍結された黒の折りたたみ膨潤ありません。
商品コード : 51192455897 / 51 19 2 455 897
Performance with width effect: The M Performance side threshold attachment in high-gloss black reinforces the sporty character of the vehicle. He is perfectly tailored to the design of the vehicle. For a particularly individual powerful and dynamic appearance. Set for left and right. For vehicles with M aerodynamics package (SA715 / 337). Not in conjunction with M Performance side swell folding frozen black.