ワインアドヴォケイト:100 ポイント(Neal Martin) 98 pts Drinking Window 2027 - 2055 From: Thrice Is Nice: Bordeaux 2020 in Bottle (Feb 2023) The 2020 Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande has a very intense bouquet with layers of black fruit, hints of seaweed/brine, crushed stone, and perhaps less mint than it displayed from barrel. This possesses stunning delineation, like a perfect C major chord echoing around an empty cathedral. The palate is very well balanced, much more classic in style than its barrel showing, saline to its core, with hints of brine. A Pauillac where you can really sense the Gironde estuary flowing through its veins. Nicolas Glumineau has one of his finest creations on his hands, and when it grows up, it will be challenging First Growths.
VINOUS:100 ポイント(Antonio Galloni) 100pts Drinking Window 2017 - 2027 From: Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1921-2016 (Oct 2017) Another dazzling wine, the 1982 Pichon Lalande is utterly profound from the very first taste. In the glass, the 1982 is powerful and explosive, with seemingly endless layers of flavor that continue to unfurl over time. Vivid, intensely aromatic and seamless, the 1982 has enough pedigree and depth to drink well for at least several decades. What a wine! - By Antonio Galloni on June 2017
Decanter:100 ポイント This delivers on all fronts; a sharp, edgy, enveloping and forceful wine with so much life and lift. The nose smells of baked cherry pies with vanilla, exotic spices, cola, mint, blackcurrants and strawberries. Racy, showy and shiny with floral accents of potpourri as well as tobacco, cigar box and caramel. Smooth and supple, extremely well framed on the palate with bite and grip to the plush but also mineral-laced tannins. This is still shining brilliantly at more than 40 years old: confident and truly memorable. Lots of life to go for this beauty. Winemaker Jean-Jacques Godin. (GH) (5/2023)
シャトー・ラトゥールに隣接する、ポイヤック髄一の立地。 エレガンスと力強さを秘めたポイヤックの貴婦人。
格付け1級シャトーに肩を並べる「スーパーセカンド」として、 長年ボルドーファンに愛され続ける人気銘柄のひとつ。一般的にポイヤックのシャトーは、威風堂々として筋骨逞しい男性的なスタイルのワインが主流ですが、ピション・ラランドのスタイルはポイヤックの中で最も華やかで優美そのもの。
「アタックはあくまでデリケートに。しかし中間から一気に広がってくる圧倒的な果実味、そしてフィニッシュには遠慮しない。」をモットーに掲げ、エレガンスと力強さを兼備するそのしなやかなスタイルは、 「ポイヤックの貴婦人」として一目置かれています。
「ピション・ロングヴィル・コンテス・ド・ラランド」は、格付け第一級シャトーに肩を並べる「スーパーセカンド」として、 長年ボルドーファンに愛され続ける銘柄のひとつです。
シャトー ピション・ロングヴィル・コンテス・ド・ラランド
生産地:フランス ボルドー ポイヤック
味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ
ワインアドヴォケイト:100 ポイント(Neal Martin)
98 pts Drinking Window 2027 - 2055 From: Thrice Is Nice: Bordeaux 2020 in Bottle (Feb 2023)
The 2020 Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande has a very intense bouquet with layers of black fruit, hints of seaweed/brine, crushed stone, and perhaps less mint than it displayed from barrel. This possesses stunning delineation, like a perfect C major chord echoing around an empty cathedral. The palate is very well balanced, much more classic in style than its barrel showing, saline to its core, with hints of brine. A Pauillac where you can really sense the Gironde estuary flowing through its veins. Nicolas Glumineau has one of his finest creations on his hands, and when it grows up, it will be challenging First Growths.
VINOUS:100 ポイント(Antonio Galloni)
100pts Drinking Window 2017 - 2027 From: Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1921-2016 (Oct 2017)
Another dazzling wine, the 1982 Pichon Lalande is utterly profound from the very first taste. In the glass, the 1982 is powerful and explosive, with seemingly endless layers of flavor that continue to unfurl over time. Vivid, intensely aromatic and seamless, the 1982 has enough pedigree and depth to drink well for at least several decades. What a wine! - By Antonio Galloni on June 2017
Decanter:100 ポイント
This delivers on all fronts; a sharp, edgy, enveloping and forceful wine with so much life and lift. The nose smells of baked cherry pies with vanilla, exotic spices, cola, mint, blackcurrants and strawberries. Racy, showy and shiny with floral accents of potpourri as well as tobacco, cigar box and caramel. Smooth and supple, extremely well framed on the palate with bite and grip to the plush but also mineral-laced tannins. This is still shining brilliantly at more than 40 years old: confident and truly memorable. Lots of life to go for this beauty. Winemaker Jean-Jacques Godin. (GH) (5/2023)
●熟成による色調の変化(白ワインは黄金色に、赤ワインはレンガ色に)や、香り、味わいが複雑に変化している可能性があります。これらは古酒の特徴です。 熟成されたワイン(古酒)ですのでボトルバリエーション等ございます。それをご理解頂いた上でのご購入をお願い致します。
今日のシャトーの名声築いたのは、1978年に父からこのシャトーを引き継いだランクサン夫人。ステンレス発酵槽の新設、樽貯蔵室の拡充、テイスティングルームの新設などを行い、品質の向上に貢献。2007年からルイ・ロデレールのオーナー、ルゾー家の所有となっており、ビオディナミを取り入れたり、カベルネの比率を上げたりとよりエレガントなスタイルにシフトしています。また、2012年にモンローズで活躍した若き醸造家ニコラ・グルミノー氏がワインメーカーに就任し、 醸造所のリノベーションを実施。パーセル(区画)ごとの醸造をより厳密に行うことで、より緻密なスタイルに変化。