In the case of dispatch, please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker. A stapler not to use the W32 X D121 X H100mm needle for [I buy a box and enter product / one 120]. I realize paper とじと drilling by a single motion. A handy 10 leaves type. ◆Is closed very much; the number of sheets: Is closed copying paper (PPC paper) approximately ten pieces ◆; hole dimensions: I close 5*7.9mm ◆ one place and type ◆ handy
箱買い商品 / 一箱120入り】W32×D121×H100mm針を使わないステープラー。紙とじと穴あけをワンアクションで実現。ハンディ10枚とじタイプ。◆最大とじ枚数:コピー用紙(PPC用紙)約10枚 ◆とじ穴寸法:5×7.9mm ◆1ヶ所とじ ◆ハンディタイプ
In the case of dispatch, please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker.
A stapler not to use the W32 X D121 X H100mm needle for [I buy a box and enter product / one 120]. I realize paper とじと drilling by a single motion. A handy 10 leaves type. ◆Is closed very much; the number of sheets: Is closed copying paper (PPC paper) approximately ten pieces ◆; hole dimensions: I close 5*7.9mm ◆ one place and type ◆ handy
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