Add roundness generally, and adhesive tape "to use it, and to display it", and to be able to enjoy is pretty visually and is the shape that even a child is easy to have and is easy to use. It is healed by the lovely figure which I did quietly if I put it on the desk as I become independent vertically. The cutter was made of plastic, and touched guard in both sides of the blade, and was hard to touch it with a finger directly, and was safe, and considered it; is designed. ■ Materials base material: A cellophane adhesive: A rubber system cutter: Polystyrene resin ● body size W: 49.5mm, L: 32.6mm, H: 79mm ● tape size: 15mm *8mHow to order in shopping cart
“使って飾って”楽しめる セロテープ全体的に丸みをもたせ、見た目にもかわいらしく、子どもでも持ちやすく使いやすい形状です。縦置きで自立するので、デスクに置けば、ちょこんとした愛らしい姿に癒されます。カッターはプラスチック製で、刃の両サイドにガードを付け、直接指で触れにくく、安全性に配慮した設計になっています。■ 材質基材 : セロハン粘着剤 : ゴム系カッター : ポリスチレン樹脂●本体サイズ・W:49.5mm・L:32.6mm・H:79mm●テープサイズ:15mm×8m
Add roundness generally, and adhesive tape "to use it, and to display it", and to be able to enjoy is pretty visually and is the shape that even a child is easy to have and is easy to use. It is healed by the lovely figure which I did quietly if I put it on the desk as I become independent vertically. The cutter was made of plastic, and touched guard in both sides of the blade, and was hard to touch it with a finger directly, and was safe, and considered it; is designed. ■ Materials base material: A cellophane adhesive: A rubber system cutter: Polystyrene resin ● body size W: 49.5mm, L: 32.6mm, H: 79mm ● tape size: 15mm *8mHow to order in shopping cart