・ Momentary Secondary LFO Speed: Ramp up or slow down to a second LFO rate. See manual for details.
・ Drift Function: Gently speed up and slow down the LFO rate. Kinda like having a little robot inside your pedal moving the Rate knob up and down. See manual for details. You'll like this one.
・ Random LFO Shape: In addition to sine and triangle, Julianna adds a random wave shape option to modulate the pitch of your signal.
・ Tap Division: Select quarter note, quarter note triplet or eighth note multiplier to scale a tapped in tempo.
・ Expression Control: Control Depth, Rate or both with an expression pedal.
Lag、Dry-Chorus-Vibrato Blend、LFO波形のバリエーションは健在。更にセカンダリ機能、モメンタリ機能、ドリフト効果、tap/expressionペダルでのコントロールが追加され、これまでのコーラスペダルには無い新しいサウンドを作り出せます。マイルドでスムースなコーラスから、「船酔いヴィブラート」まであらゆるトーンをカバー。創造性と表現力を引き出す多機能コーラス/ヴィブラート・ペダルです。
The Julianna contains all of the sounds and controls that the Julia has but adds these deluxe features:
・ Tap Tempo Control: Set the rate of the LFO with the Rate knob or the tap tempo switch.
・ Stereo In/Out Jacks: Run mono in/mono out, mono in/stereo out, stereo in/stereo out.
・ Momentary Secondary LFO Speed: Ramp up or slow down to a second LFO rate. See manual for details.
・ Drift Function: Gently speed up and slow down the LFO rate. Kinda like having a little robot inside your pedal moving the Rate knob up and down. See manual for details. You'll like this one.
・ Random LFO Shape: In addition to sine and triangle, Julianna adds a random wave shape option to modulate the pitch of your signal.
・ Tap Division: Select quarter note, quarter note triplet or eighth note multiplier to scale a tapped in tempo.
・ Expression Control: Control Depth, Rate or both with an expression pedal.
・ External Tap In.
イケベカテゴリ_エフェクター_ギター用エフェクター_モジュレーション系_コーラス_WALRUS AUDIO_新品 SW_WALRUS AUDIO_新品 JAN:0810424032156 登録日:2020/09/26 エフェクター コンパクトエフェクター ストンプボックス ウォルラスオーディオ ウォルラス