商品説明 Exact replica shifter gate is for a 4-speed transmission, cast of solid brass and then polished and chromed with a milled slot. Accurate casting will fit 1936-1946 gas tanks which were originally fitted with a stamped steel gate. Top to bottom shift gate pattern is 4, 3, 2 N, 1. This gate is a replica of the late 1940 - 1950's after market accessory shift guide in gate for Harley. The Atlas company of Chicago designed this gate for owners of 1937 - 1946 Big Twins that wanted to use a 1947 and later transmission. This gate combines the mounting type of the 1937-1946 with the turned up edge with two "ears" on the tank side, with the turned down edge and shift pattern of the 1947 and up on the outboard side. The shift pattern is 432N1 from front to back. This "conversion or hybrid" gate could al 適合 FL 1936-1946EL 1936-1946 OEM 商品内容 1-EA madeinTAIWAN
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Exact replica shifter gate is for a 4-speed transmission, cast of solid brass and then polished and chromed with a milled slot. Accurate casting will fit 1936-1946 gas tanks which were originally fitted with a stamped steel gate. Top to bottom shift gate pattern is 4, 3, 2 N, 1. This gate is a replica of the late 1940 - 1950's after market accessory shift guide in gate for Harley. The Atlas company of Chicago designed this gate for owners of 1937 - 1946 Big Twins that wanted to use a 1947 and later transmission. This gate combines the mounting type of the 1937-1946 with the turned up edge with two "ears" on the tank side, with the turned down edge and shift pattern of the 1947 and up on the outboard side. The shift pattern is 432N1 from front to back. This "conversion or hybrid" gate could al
FL 1936-1946EL 1936-1946